The South African Society of Physiotherapy believes that physiotherapists should at all times act in the best interests of their patients and maintain the highest standards of personal conduct and integrity:

In terms of their commitment to appropriate patient/client relations – they should

1.    Foster good relationships with their patients based on mutual respect, communication and trust;
2.    Ensure that patient management is not being influenced by undue pressure from third parties;
3.    When determining professional fees, consider the financial position of their patients and discuss the financial implications of treatment options;
4.    Maintain their clinical independence and be vigilant in situations of dual loyalty, and inform relevant professional bodies and patients/clients accordingly.

In terms of their commitment to Patients' Rights – they should

1.    Provide adequate information about the patient's diagnosis, treatment options and alternatives, costs associated with each such alternative and any other pertinent information to enable the patient to exercise a choice in terms of treatment and informed decision-making pertaining to his or her health and that of others;
2.    To provide to a patient, upon request and in terms of relevant legislation, access to medical information in the possession of the physiotherapist;
3.    Respect the confidentiality of information entrusted to them, unless legislation or an unequivocal ethical duty compels disclosure;
4.    Respect patient confidentiality, privacy, choices and dignity.