Did you resolve to do more exercise this year?
Use daily activities to achieve your goal!
Walking is great for overall fitness. Walking to the nearest shop to pick up milk is exercise; so is walking your dog, walking to the taxi rank or walking the children to school.
Gardening. Anyone who has access to a piece of land the size of a front door can contribute significantly to the household groceries – and the digging, weeding and harvesting are great exercise.
Playing. Get outside with either your children or your dog, and spend just twenty minutes having fun with balls, running around and getting in some pretty intense exercise!
Cleaning house or decluttering. It makes you feel like you’ve really achieved something, and you will certainly break a sweat!
Dancing. Pop in the earplugs and dance in your bedroom or go out and party the evening away – either way, you’ll be getting some solid exercise.
Contact www.saphysio.co.za if you feel pain or are concerned about your fitness.