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  • I believe the children are our future…

    I believe the children are our future…
    … but with one in four children stunted by malnutrition, what kind of future is that?

    What kind of future do w...

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  • No Tobacco Day - 31 May 2017

    Or social media platforms are:

    LinkedIn:    South African Society of Physiotherapy
    Instagram:    sasp_physio
    Twitter:    @PhysioSA
    FB:    South Africa...

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  • Fit for motherhood?

    It’s all about the muscles!

    That gym bunny with the flattest tummy, her six-pack clearly defined: giving birth is going to be a breeze for her, r...

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  • Ouch, my neck hurts

    “The day is hot, the sun is in the zenith… The veld is very quiet – I hear the faint footsteps of the barefoot women as their heels hit the soft earth. I hear ...

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  • Healthy body, healthy planet

    This Earth Day, commit to:
    Save power, use your legs to climb the stairs at work or while shopping

    Your physiotherapist says:
    You need ...

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  • Rheumatoid Arthritis - Moving the goal posts

    Moving the goal posts

    While it’s good to have a name to call the pain and inflammation you experience, a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthr...

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  • Position Statement: The Doman Delacato Patterning Therapy (DDPT)

    Physiotherapists are knowledgeable and responsible health professionals, trained to work with children with neurological disorders, developmental problems, orthopaedic conditions and res-piratory illnesses. We are obligated to ensure the correct information is provided to the public while protect...

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  • Pain and depression: the two-way street

    Exercise does double duty in helping both conditions, physiotherapists explain

    Depression is as real and debilitating a disorder as ...

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  • Beyond school: tips to ensure healthy, happy children

     Want your children to do their best at school, to enjoy the experience, to learn and question and grow into healthy, capable, balanced adults? The ...

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  • Back to school – is your child’s bag too heavy?

    Protect your child from back pain!

    No child should suffer from back pain, should they? And yet a startling number do, notes ...

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